after Rene Magritte's The Lovers II Artist: René Magritte b. November 21, 1898, Lessines, Belgium; d. August 15, 1967, Brussels, Belgium Title: The Lovers II Date: 1928 Click here for more information When I watch you mouth thickened with autumn
I cannot find the words or the parts of myself that were there when we walked into this room sweet man this place is no more our home this day has ripened in our farewells and we are no longer the kiss before the day we lived to reinvent I have been indifferent towards this unseeing but today I will not live in this hunger any longer I will not stifle my dreams or deport another vision to the idea that you will catch up sweet man I acknowledge your honesty about what eludes you and how much you want it back you want me but I am so unsure about men in love with me or anything else I need to see to watch to open my eyes in a room that will finally have me