after Betye Saar's Black Girl's WindowArtist: Betye Saar b. July 30, 1926, Los Angeles, California Title: Black Girl's Window Date: 1969 Click here for more information She listened for the bombs:
palms clung to glass senses distressed She waited for her black silhouette to erupt & the moment she could feel her ancestors praying all night or chanting to the dead She waited in grief’s circle in the center of her living room window losing America to the quietude & what happens when the glass breaks? When something gets inside? What happens when the rustic metaphors appear and her thoughts are grenades? Shall she wait for the breath of hate to dance down earth’s aisles? she who has carried babies in her wounds she who has lived on the planet of being she who has remnants of the dead in her headwrap she who has mourned suns & endured the listening She waits I wait We know they’re coming
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